70 percent of Finns wear eyeglasses, and men between the ages of 60−69 possess the most glasses. Help with vision and eye problems is sought primarily from optometrists, 67 percent of respondents seek help from optics strores. The information comes from Taloustutkimus Oy’s Use of Eyeglasses and Vision Correction in Finland 2022 research.
The aim of the research was to find out, among other things, the use of Finnish eye health care services, eyeglasses, contact lenses and sunglasses, situations of use, frequency of the purchase of eyeglasses, places of purchases and the use of money.
Eye healthcare in Finland
70% of Finns wear eyeglasses. The use of eyeglasses is still more common among the older generation than those who are younger. The constant use of eyeglasses has increased, especially among young people. 57 percent of the respondents use more than one pair of eyeglasses, in terms of the number of eyeglasses, men aged 60–69 have the most eyeglasses (2.47 glasses/person). 58% of women and 44% of men wear eyeglasses constantly. On average, 2.0 eyeglasses are owned.
67% seek help for vision and eye problems from an optics store, 22% from a private doctor’s office, 15% from a health centre and 3% from elsewhere. 69% of eyeglasses/contact lens wearers have seen an ophthalmologist based on an optometrist’s order/suggestion.
“The research also shows that, from the point of view of the health care system, about 20% of ophthalmologist visits are still unnecessary. In any other specialty area, it would be rare to seek a specialist when basically healthy, without a special reason. The phenomenon is very Finnish,” says Panu Tast, managing director of The Finnish Association of Vision and Eyecare NÄE.
Refractive surgery has been performed on 6 percent of the population and 8 percent are considering the surgery. The development shows that a shift has been made from laser surgeries to lens surgeries.
“I believe that the increasing prevalence of lens surgery, the replacement of the eye’s own internal lens – the pupil – with an artificial lens is reflected in the fact that an even larger proportion of people who have undergone refractive surgery report that they will no longer need to wear glasses again after the surgery. Of course, laser technologies have also developed”, says Tast.
Purchasing behaviour in an optical stores
92% purchase their eyeglasses from anoptometrist. The average amount of money last spent on the purchase of eyeglasses has increased. In 2022, the amount for those who bought with a one-time payment was 488 euros, whilst in 2019 the corresponding amount was 397 euros. 92% bought eyeglasses with a one-time payment.
35% have received several glasses for the price of one. 88% were satisfied with the eyeglasses they last bought. 58% bought sunglasses with a one-time payment.
“Optometrists seem to have regained their grip on the sunglass trade that was already spilling over to other channels, which pleases me happy,” says Tast.
97% of sunglasses were purchased with a one-time payment. They are often a small purchase in euro terms. 30% of those who last bought sunglasses with a one-time payment spent less than 50 euros on sunglasses.
“The research has largely been carried out with the same questions almost every year since 2002. It describes well the changes that have taken place among Finns, the mundane nature of purchasing eyeglasses and the development of the role of optometrists as the cornerstone of basic eye care services,” concludes Tast.
The information comes from Taloustutkimus Oy’s Use of Eyeglasses and Vision Correction in Finland 2022 research. Taloustutkimus Oy, which carried out the study, is an impartial and independent market research company.
The Use of Eyeglasses and Vision Correction in Finland 2022 research publication was organized in Helsinki on 15.12.2022.